First a website, now a blog!

by The Team
Our CEO, Lana, and some of her buddies waiting for a lift back to base after a mission in Iraq 2005
Pathfinder launched to the public on Veterans Day 2015 with the help of some amazing Veterans, family members, and civilian supporters. Running on volunteer power and motivation, we set out to change the way Veterans and families connect to the resources and opportunities in their local communities.

I got out of the military in 2012 with a Purple Heart and a piece of paper with some resources for the local area… a local area I wasn’t staying in. I came home to NYC and tried to find my way. Along the way, I found a lot of other Veterans trying to find their way. And we helped each other. And it was awesome. So a few of us decided to get together and design a way for more of us to help each other and share the awesome.
Options are everywhere for every generation of Veteran and family members to connect through service, even in rural areas of Vietnam alongside Habitat for Humanity
Pathfinder is that way. A lot of us used trial and error to find resources, to find communities, to find jobs, to find everything. Some of us struggled longer than others, and a lot of us are still looking. But every time we shared an experience, it got a little easier for someone else.

As we develop in the next few months, we are going to work on improving your connections to the best resources in your local area. We will help you get in touch, help them get back in touch with you when you need it most, and help the Veteran community become easier to navigate as we help and inspire each other.

And in the world of resources and experiences and awesome, we have started a blog! We will also have serial stories coming in from some great Veterans and family members, telling their experiences as they leave the military and hunt down what’s best nearby.

We look forward to hearing from you. Do great things.